Our Products

Soil Mechanics

Drilling Equipment specially designed for soil mechanics as models ANDALUCIA, CANARIAS plus both dynamic and static penetrometers such as model MAGERIT.

The ISSA-GM DRILLS ANDALUCIA and CANARIAS are mounted on truck, chassis, caterpillar tractor, etc, and are able to develop any soil mechanics work as DYNAMIC PENETRATION SPT TEST, DPH DYNAMIC PENETRATION AND DPSH, introduce SLIM WALL SAMPLER of continuous penetration (SHELBY) or THICK WALL SAMPLER by banging and drilling with TRIPLE ROTARY SAMPLERS, or SINGLE, DOUBLE or TRIPLE PIPE and also drill with HOLLOW OR BLIND HELIX.




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Mining Investigation

NEPTUNE Drills are specially designed for mining research model and could be also used in drainage holes, blowing, injection, anchors, etc.




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Public Works

Rigs to run micropiles, drains, pipes, Trial pit, even under the surface, and drilling machines for concrete, wall partitions and floors.




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Water Well Drilling Rig

Drilling equipment for water well drilling rig, as the model CIBELES 1800 and VICTORIA 2000, especially designed to work with mud or air injection.




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Mud Pumps

Pumps of single, double or triple piston, with a variety of flow rates and pressures, even of special pumps, such as 70.50 Cementa model for working with cement slurry injection.




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Supplies and Miscellaneous

We commercialize the vast majority of elements which comprise a drilling column.




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