University Collaborations con Universidad

At AEI we believe that training is one of the pillars of the industrial structure of a country, so we work to the extent of our ability, to train specialists in our sector.

In addition to the collaborations that are described below, AEI has developed a series of courses that you can see on the left side of this page and are the result of the work and experience of over four decades in the industry.

  • Blackpool sunset
    Certificado Colaboración UPM
  • Deckchairs
    Diploma UCM
  • Blackpool North Pier
    Certificación Colaboración Master UCM


AEI has trained many technicians of the most prestigious schools in Madrid.

These include the UCM (Complutense University of Madrid) which has opened collaboration since 1991 in the Master of Engineering Geology furthermore the UCM has recognized Federico Gil, as Honorary Collaborator due y to his patronage in the formation and dissemination of knowledge on machinery and equipement of sounding and drilling.

Another noteworthy colabroración is with the UPM (Polytechnical University of Madrid) in the Geotechnical Control Works progress)

If you are interested in receiving information about the courses we offer, please do not hesitate to contact.



  • Blackpool sunset



  • Blackpool sunset


[Mostrar todos los cursos]